Sunday, August 17, 2008

Legal Robbers

I am little confused …or say am facing a great question…… I am earning for my self or for government……..?Free Emoticons

Just go few years back……..near about 1930….1940…… many taxes we were paying………? I was not born on that time………if something I read about taxation at that time…….it was Tax on salt…..and lagan……..

Now have a look on taxes we pay in our current time……..Excise/Production duty……20 to 35%, VAT…..1 to 12.5%,….Service Tax……12.36%, Security Transaction Tax ……..0.017%......, Income Tax 10 to 30%+Cess ,Besides… those……house tax, electricity tax, entertainment tax, road tax,….etc.Free Emoticons

If we head-wise customize our expenditures and exclude the amount of tax we can easily trace-out that we are actually spending on 30-40% of our income and rest of the amount that we pay is tax that is been flushed by government ……….Free Emoticons
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Did any of central or state government declared………how much has been collected from a particular area and how much amount has been spent on development or on other utilities in that particular area……??Free Emoticons

One question that I am facing from beginning………Mr. X manufacture something……and sell to Mr. Y…….and the product transferred to Mr. Z……and public…… what the hell government did in this simple procedure…….? Why the central government ask for production duty and state government……..VAT….?Free Emoticons

Well…… friends some time asks …….if government does not collect taxes……..from where they will arrange money for administration……/development…….

Well the first solution that flash in my mind is…….ask 2% from every-one as national contribution……….and forget all……if this is not enough………than collect the tax as you are doing and return it after 5 years……….run your administration expenditure from the interest ………..

But now my friends keep quite……they know…… is not possible.Free Emoticons

And Finance Ministers……..actually……he should be called fraud minister here is a small example of his sucking nature……….When STT was introduced …it was promised by FM that this amount can be reduced from Income-tax……..for few years …… was claimed but now the intention of FM has become dishonest…… he says……you can setoff the STT as expenditure but can’t claim as tax…….. Free Emoticons

Well……...some time I feel…….ducats are much better who loots you once or twice…….but governments……..they rapes whole life……….Free EmoticonsFree Emoticons

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